Sunday, October 5, 2008

Indicator Update

Indicators we are working on this month are:
E/LA 2.1.2 Inflection (subject/verb agreement)
2.1.6 Reading Fluency
2.1.7 Synonyms and Antonyms
2.1.11 Word Families
2.5.1 Narrative Writing
2.6.4 Parts of Speech (nouns, verbs, and adjectives)
2.6.8 Sight Word Spelling (Word Wall Words)
2.6.9 Spelling with Different Vowels and Blends

Math 2.1.7 Even and Odd Numbers
2.3.1 Number Sentences
2.5.1 Telling Time
2.6.2 Visual Depictions in Problem Solving

Halloween Party Update

We're looking for someone to bring in food (healthy snacks) of course, drinks, and prizes for a game. Please call Miss Granzow if you can help.