Friday, March 14, 2008

AR update

Well, we can't win them all. Mrs. Damjanovic's class beat us in our weekly AR competition by three points. Next week has only four days, so let's get crackin'.
Our current leaders for this Trimester are: Hannah, Tabitha, and Noah.
Our year long clubs members are:
5 Point Club: Justin and Madison
10 Point Club: Cade and Akilah
15 Point Club: Brianna and Dylan
20 Point Club: Cheyenne, Lea, Jasmine, and Jessica
25 Point Club: Tabitha, Noah, and Hannah


Thanks to everyone who attended our performance. We hope you enjoyed yourselves as much as we did. Pictures will be up soon.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Time Change with the Play

Our Germ play is on Thursday, March 13 in the library at 2:30. Sorry for the previous typo. You can update the computers but not the fingers. :)

Friday, March 7, 2008

Indicators for 3/10-3/14

Here are the Indicators we are covering this week.
Math: 2.5.12 Find the value of a collection of pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, half-dollars, and dollars.
Writing: 2.4.4 Understand the purposes of various reference materials (such as dictionary, thesaurus, or atlas). 2.5.3 Write a friendly letter complete with the date, salutation, body, closing, and signature.
Reading: 2.1.9 Know the meaning of simple prefixes and suffixes. 2.2.4 Ask and respond to questions to aid comprehension about important elements of informational text. 2.2.5 Restate facts and details in the text to clarify and organize ideas.

Upcoming Dates

March 11-Poet Bruce Lansky is coming to visit our school.
March 12- Our last Babes program. Thank you Mrs. Lazar.
March 13- Our class play in the library at 2:15. Please let us know if you can attend.
March 14- Spring Picture Day.
March 21-28 Spring Break!

AR Update

Our Top Readers for Trimester 2 only are: Tabitha, Noah, and Lea Congratulations!
Here are the current year long point club standings:
5 Point Club: Justin and Madison
10 Point Club: Brianna, Cade, Dylan, Akilah
15 Point Club: Jessica, Lea
20 Point Club: Cheyenne, Noah, Jasmine, Hannah
25 Point Club: Tabitha
Keep up the good work.
We have a weekly AR challenge with Mrs. Damjanovic's class. It was a close race this week, but we won 43.9 to 43.4! If your child reads any books at home that have an AR quiz, have your child bring it to school so we can continue our winning streak.